Il flash crash del Dow Jones e le discese dei mercati azionari analizzate con il Metodo profste sul mio canale Telegram:
Again. The Dow Jones yesterday was deeply in the red with an accelerated move down that resulted in a Flash Crash, with a deep loss and a following partial recover.
While the maximum intraday loss of 1579 was the largest single day points drop in it's history, it is still very far from the largest percentage drop of 1987 with -22,61% and the 3 [three!] 2008 drops, between -7,87% and -7,33%.
As per the profste method, we should concentrate (again!) on the trend reversal process, as this will only results in a first alarm (lower low) of a possible reversal, while formally the daily trend is still up, no matter how deep the downfall was.
It is also true that we are experiencing an accelerated "momentum" since last week and, as momentum leads prices, this is another alarm we should concentrate on.
Same exact considerations are valid for the Nasdaq, SP 500, Dax indexes and futures.
While the Eurostoxx 50 is already at the second daily trend reversal alarm as it presented a lower high on January 23.